Do you have persistent pain in the lower back? Does your back hurt when you try to lift up something heavy? Is your back painful when you stoop down to pick up something on the floor? Try doing some home care methods to relieve the pain so you won’t have to ignore your crying baby for too long.

A muscle strain or a muscle pull or a muscle tear means the presence of damage to a muscle or its tendons. This can be a result of pressure on the muscles from doing something that required sudden movement, heavy lifting, or activities that may have overstretched your muscles like in sports.

Muscle damage may be a tear in part or all of the muscle fibers or the attaching muscle tendons. The tear, depending on the severity, may also cause local bleeding or bruising, and pain. Home remedies as part of the muscle rehabilitation, can be done to reduce the swelling and local bleeding of the damaged muscle. Applying ice pack early on to the strained muscle and allowing it to be in a stretched position, should be the first step in managing your strained muscle. Heat should only be applied when the swelling has decreased, otherwise, swelling and pain can be aggravated if applied early on.

Muscle rehabilitation is a long process. A patient should take anti-inflammatory medicines to reduce pain and increase mobility. The PRICE formula is also a good muscle rehabilitation scheme. PRICE means protection, rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Muscle rehabilitation would also need the patient to avoid activities that would increase the muscle pain or utilize the affected area, until the pain has is gone.

Medical treatment may not be necessary unless your muscle damage is severe. Doctor may require you to use muscle rehabilitation products such as braces or crutches. Your doctor will check the extent of the injury and may also prescribe you to undergo muscle rehabilitation exercises to help in your recovery.

Muscle tears have actually 3 grades of severity: grade 1, 2, or 3. Grade 1 is the most minor level of muscle damage. The patient’s doctor may use massage techniques to hasten recovery but a muscle rehabilitation program is also prescribed. Level 2 is a much more serious strain than the first. The patient may not be able to move about properly and may require a more complicated muscle rehabilitation program than grade 1. The 3rd grade means a greater damage. The patient is unable to walk properly and is in intense pain. Seeking medical advice for the proper muscle rehabilitation is very crucial.

Like any other rehabilitation methods, muscle rehabilitation’s success and efficiency is influenced by the utmost commitment of the patient to the muscle rehabilitation scheme.

Muscle injuries can happen while doing any activity from lifting weights to cleaning the house.  Although most muscle pain can be treated at home it is suggested that you seek the guidance of a medical professional.  But a lot of muscle injury that occur during exercise is caused by not performing the exercise in the correct form.  This is where I can help you.  If you are not getting the results you want or you seem to consistently injure yourself while exercising then you need to contact me and learn the correct way to exercise.

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