So you’ve made the decision to start a fitness program but you do not want to join the local gym or fitness center.  This is one of the most common questions I receive from clients who are just getting started.  Below I have listed several pieces of fitness equipment that most everyone can afford to start a home gym.

For some the thought of going into a gym is a hug sticking point to starting a fitness program.  Whether they just don’t feel comfortable exercising in front of people or they are easily intimidated, they just don’t want to join.  There are many benefits that you can get from working out in a fitness facility or gym that you cannot get at a home gym, at least not without spending a lot of money.  But this should not prevent anyone from getting the benefits of fitness.

Probably the most expensive piece of fitness equipment that people spend on their home gyms is a treadmill or stationary bike.  Although this is not something that is essential, it will help you greatly in reaching your goal.  Unfortunately this is also a piece of equipment that has ended up being a popular clothes hanger.

Many people will eliminate this important piece of equipment deciding that they will walk or run outside.  But what will you do on rainy days or in extremely hot weather?  You cannot allow yourself an opportunity to use weather as an excuse to miss a cardio session.  One day will turn into two, then three, and so on.  So my advice is to find a good working used treadmill or stationary bike.  There are plenty out there.  There are so many different ways of getting the most out of your treadmill or stationary bike that I cannot list them all here.

Since resistance training is so very important in your fitness routine, the next thing you should purchase would be a set exercise bands or tubes.  For 20 bucks you cannot go wrong with how versatile this piece of equipment can be.  There truly is not a body part that you cannot work using exercise bands.  These bands come in different resistance levels and the resistance can be changed by shortening the length of the bands.  Chest presses, shoulder presses, squats, arm curls, triceps pushdowns, rows, and many others movements can be accomplished using exercise bands.  Not to mention there are hundreds of variations that can be done for each body part.

So where are we at now?  Depending on the type of cardiovascular equipment that you buy, used or new, you can easily spend less than $100 on your home gym.  If you are having trouble finding equipment at a reasonable price I would suggest going to a second hand store and take a look.  I have found many, many pieces of exercise equipment in second hand stores.  From dumbbells to treadmills, there is a trove of equipment at these places.  I would suggest, however, that you buy the exercise bands new.  Since they are made up of elastic they can dry out or become damaged and the last thing you want to happen is a band breaking and snapping back into your face.

So there you have it!  Two pieces of equipment, for under $100, that will give you everything you need to reach your fitness goals. No need for a partner or spotter.  I must stress however that you learn the exercises and their movements prior to going all out on your workouts.  Safety is paramount!

Need an exercise program to go with your Home Gym?  Contact me for information!

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